Alhamdulillah, MYAA Auto has been able to assist Aunty Marildeah Isreal of Chatsworth with funds for her to fulfil her Hajj, Insha-Allah.

Umrah Package Recipient

MYAA Auto is proud to announce that we have been blessed once again to send an overly deserving brother on Umrah this year, Inshallah. Ebrahim Dollie,87, better known as Boy who does voluntary work at Travel Express will be departing for UMRAH on the 13th March 2019.

We invited Mr Dollie over to hand over to him his Umrah package as well as enjoy some edibles while our staff gets to know a little more about him.

Alhamdulilah, Boeta Dollie has arrived in Mecca with Travel Express and completed his Umrah. May Allah accept his and all others umrah, Insha-Allah.